Past Triumphs
Memories of the fun times we’ve had.
Since forming in 2014 the Microburn community have managed to organise a number of very successful events, and have many more in the making.
Below is just some of the magic we managed to capture and bottle up in photo form.
“No Fucking Frills” MicroBurn Weekend
September 2015
We ventured into the wilds of Wales and happened across a beautiful eco farm. Powys opened it’s beautiful, rainbow-filled and strangely sunny skies to us.
Here we witnessed just a touch of magic.

“Super shenanigans in the Shire!”
Kriss Maguire, Super MicroBurner
MicroBurn Spring Fling
April 2015
Entering the inner sanctum of the city, the Spring Fling was a one-day event that burst to life at 24 Kitchen Street in Liverpool.
Even though it was just one night, it left behind feelings of joy that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.
Here we witnessed just a touch of magic.

“I’ve never met so many beautiful souls all in one place! Everyone just lives and breathes creativity, kindness and community.”
Albany Owens, Facepainter Extraordinaire
The MicroChill
September 2014
Set in the heart of the Lake District, this event was poised to be a relaxing and rejuvenating communion with nature.Of course, it was all of that… and so much more.

“What happens in the canal, stays in the canal.”
Michael Naude, Of the Irish contingent
Snowdonia MicroBurn
April 2014
A group of people got together and decided they wanted to have a party in a field without tearing up the place. The first MicroBurn event was born.
Bigger and greater than anyone had ever imagined it could be, this flagship MicroBurn captured the imagination of many and set the benchmark for events to come.

“A truly magical experience of beautiful souls coming together to share love, joy, laughter, music, dancing, creativity and connecting with one another.”
John Woods, MicroBurn Enthusiast