MicroBurn 2018
13-17th September in Powys, Wales

Buy Your Membership Here!
Memberships for MicroBurn 2018 will be on sale at 6pm on 1st June
Join us to co-create something magical in the Welsh hills for gathering, creation, workshops, dancing, laughter, guaranteed sunshine* and fun.
WHERE is MicroBurn?
The exact venue details will be released to Membership holders closer to the event, but the nearest train station is Caersws. Lifts are usually arranged to and from the station.
WHEN is MicroBurn?
MicroBurn 2018 starts at 2pm on Thursday the 13th of September. Only those who have volunteered for Build should turn up before the Thursday afternoon. All the fun and magic will happen on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, then on Monday we pack up and make our way home. Everyone is encouraged to help with build and/or strike. A limited number of people will stay to complete Strike on Tuesday.
WHAT is at MicroBurn?
There is a number of structures (yurts, a marquee, a large bell tent and a stone chapel building) all of which are available for workshops, performances and socialising. There is a Welfare yurt plus a Bar structure. There are also showers and compost toilets. Participants at MicroBurn bring their own tents or live-in vehicles to sleep in.
The MircoBurn Kitchen will work slightly differently this year. Kitchen Memberships will be sold separately from Event Memberships, so you get to choose whether to opt in or to provide your own facilities and food. Kitchen Memberships are £10 for children under twelve and £20 for everyone else. All food will be vegan and gluten free, with some veggie and gluten options. You will be required to indicate any allergy info at time of buying Membership. Everyone who opts into the Kitchen plan is expected to do one kitchen shift.
More info to follow.
That means we’re here to practice the principles of Burning Man (“Say what?” you say? Here: https://www.microburn.org/core-principles ) so most importantly for us that means:
1) YOU are the event. What you bring is what you get. Bring your art. Bring your style. Bring your love and share it around. Participation is the name of the game and YOU ARE IT. We are a fully functioning event and there are many tasks to be completed so that the wheels don’t fall off. Wanna do something? Get involved!
2) This is a LEAVE NO TRACE event. Everything you bring, you take it back with you. If you see trash or something that’s out of place lying around, pick it up and put it where it belongs. Let’s leave the farm as shiny and delightful as we find it. We LOVE the Farm and if something is going to damage the environment there, please don’t bring it.
3) EVERYONE pays for a Membership. Including the organisers. This is because we are not a commercial event. Everyone is a volunteer – no one profits from The MicroBurn. Every single penny that’s paid by you goes into the event and the year-round process to keep it going.
We can’t wait!!
*sunshine may only be visible from inside your mind.
Stay Updated
Make sure you’re attending on the Facebook Event so you catch the latest updates – we usually update there first.
You should also join the Facebook community to stay in touch with the MicroBurn Community in general, and also join the Slack (click here to submit your details) because that is where discussion between teams will happen.
Questions? Ask in the Facebook group or email team@microburn.org
Art Grants 2018
Do you have a project that you would like to bring to the MicroBurn? Have you got an idea for an artwork that everyone can enjoy? Do you need help with covering the costs? Art Grants are available.
The closing date for applications is Monday the 13th of August.
Adopt a Yurt or Bring a Space
We have three yurts, one furnished, two not, available to participants to take over and turn into magical spaces for everyone. Alternatively, if you are planning to bring a tent or other structure for the use of participants, please tell us about it in advance so we can decide on placement and put it on the map. Whether you are adopting a yurt or bringing your own space, please complete this form:
MicroBurn is run by YOU and everyone is asked to do one or two shifts (plus a kitchen shift, if you have opted into that.) There will also be volunteering opportunities at the event itself. You MUST have ALREADY got a ticket to partipate.
The 2018 Volunteers Spreadsheet is now available at: tinyurl.com/MicroBurn2018Volunteers
Email volunteers@microburn.org with any queries.
Events & Workshops
“The time has come,” the Ents Lead said,
“To Sign Up many Things:
of Events–and Workshops–and Parties–
of DJ Queens–and Kings–
who Stars in the Cabaret–
and which Microburner Sings–

Accessibility & Inclusion
If you have any accessibility / inclusion needs, please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can either get onto Slack and discuss it with us there, or email us using the button below. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.